
时间:2021-07-13 点击:1020次
对于很多客户来说,使用叉车还是比较简单的,但是对叉车的知识知道的就比较少了,通常情况下大家都认为只要叉车用的时间 长,不经常出故障就是性能好,其实叉车的性能不单单通过这两方面体现出来的,一款好的叉车和其性能还体现在高效率、成本低、安全可靠、符合人体工程学原理、高配置等方面。
for many customers, the use of forklift trucks is relatively simple, but the knowledge of forklift professional knowledge is less. generally, as long as forklift trucks are used for a long time and do not often break down, it is considered that the performance of forklift trucks is good. in fact, the performance of forklift trucks is not only reflected through these two aspects, but also reflected in a good forklift truck and its performance in high efficiency, low cost. safety and reliability, in line with ergonomics principles, high configuration and so on.
i. high efficiency
mainly refers to the time spent in completing a certain work, and basically maintain this efficiency during this period, many factors can drive the improvement of efficiency.
1. the speed of driving and lifting
2. ergonomic design, so that drivers are not easy to fatigue
3. driving with an open vision
ii. low cost
that is the total cost of forklift trucks purchased and used by enterprises.
1. earlier purchasing cost
2. later maintenance cost
3. peacetime energy consumption cost
4. major labor costs
if the service life of forklift truck is longer, then the procurement cost is lower. maintenance cost is mainly reflected in the frequency of failure rate. if the quality of forklift truck is low, its maintenance cost will be reduced accordingly. different types of forklifts reflect different energy consumption costs, such as some using electricity, some using diesel, some using gas and so on. the labor cost is mainly reflected in the driver's salary.